May 29, 2008

I Have Schizophrenia

Well, actually I don't have schizophrenia, but these people do. A surprisingly good episode from MTV's True Life.

Some thoughts -

Josh doesn't want help. His mother is pretty much fed up with him and wants him voluntarily committed. He will probably end up on the street.

I'm not even sure that Amber has schizophrenia at all. She seems just depressed and very unsure of herself. She's afraid to take a speech class, but has the ability to broadcast her life on MTV?

I felt the most sympathy for Ben. Many many people get as depressed as him. His father's and grandfather's illness doesn't help his mental state. However he has a supportive family, so hopefully everything will work out for him.

May 25, 2008

She Has a Boyfriend

Its been a while, but I know EXACTLY how he feels...

May 15, 2008

Bill O'Reilly... THE DANCE REMIX!

this is a dance remix that inside edition footage of him flipping out. i laughed.

May 7, 2008

Great Nightmare Material

Ok, so at first, I thought this was a little bit cool. But the longer I watched it, the more creeped out and uncomfortable I felt. The music really highlights that feeling, so if possible, watch with speakers on.