March 26, 2005

i am the frolf master

played a sweet game of frisbee golf today with andy. i ended up with 3 over par on a pretty tough (new) course here in knoxburg. awesome, awesome game. (i think andy had a 7 or something). so if anyone ever wants to play, you know who to call. (me).

yeah, jess and i watched The Passion for the first time last night. to say it was intense is a bit of an understatement. and i think i can guess which 6 min they took out for Recut. good grief. i thought they did a terrific job depicting characters and relationships that you dont generally think about very much(e.g., i never felt pity for judas before jess and i watched and discussed it). even some lines of dialogue that you're used to hearing over and over again, i heard differently than i'd ever imagined them. quite moving to say the least.