January 3, 2006

Back to work

Man, I really enjoyed my 10 days off. Luckily the federal government likes them some 3-day weekends. I went with Nina to see her family in southern California over Christmas (specifically in the Laguna Hills/Irvine area). I imagine it was a lot like Ukraine except with less flowering plants, Best Buys, and people wearing stupid looking boots. It seriously looks like people are eviscerating opossums and sticking their feet into their still warm carcasses. That or murdering sherpas for their shoes. It's ridiculous. I managed to get into Disneyland on a day that it sold out, which I didn't even realize could happen. Apparently there were 80,000 people there that day. Needless to say, there was still an hour-long line for Space Mountain at 10:30 in the evening. Overall the trip was good and provided me with a much needed escape from the tedium and monotony that is my job.
Also, if anyone is thinking of flying United, I would heartily advise against it. We were delayed 3 hours leaving Denver on Christmas day, and arrived to find that none of the luggage we checked had arrived with us. On the way back I sat on the runway for 20 minutes at Denver, waiting for the plane at our gate to leave. They seem very poorly run in general, is the main bullet point of this paragraph.