April 29, 2008

Grand Theft Auto IV, anyone?

So GTA IV is coming out today... I pre-ordered mine from BestBuy some time ago. It probably won't arrive for a couple more days,. Its ok though, I am pretty busy during the week.

From what I've read, the game is incredible. I have seen multiple critics give it a 10/10 (which I have never seen before). It is supposed to have some cool multiplayer, so maybe those of us who have a PS3 can get together for some destructive meyham.

April 28, 2008

CNN Headline T-Shirts!

CNN appears to have added a new feature on their website- you can click a little t-shirt next to a headline and order your very own t-shirt displaying the headline....

Here's an example (not making this up- this is a real CNN headline)

Any idea who exactly these t-shirts are being marketed to?


of the c/o 2000 authors listed on the right, the following people are not yet on facebook:

C Bryan, Pappert. that is all.

come on guys... if you don't want to get on there for YOU, that's fine... but why don't you get on there for the rest of us? We've got a lot of pictures and stuff we'd love to share with you... the point is, it's a SOCIAL network and as much as you guys like to try and find reasons not to like it, you've got to appreciate the fact that over 50 million people are using it- there's got to be SOME reason that it's so popular-

I would re-vouch for why I find it very useful for keeping up with friends and acquaintances, but I think I've already done that and it didn't work the first time... suffice to say that the technology has kept up with the times- it makes myspace look extremely outdated when you compare the two-- you can actually put in your AOL screen name, or email address and it'll tell you all the people you know who are members and stuff... once you make a few friends it even makes suggestions about people it thinks you probably know...

why don't the two of you at least just MAKE an account and check out all our pictures and stuff- you don't have to maintain it if after a reasonable trial of 3 or 4 days you still find it to be useless... that's my challenge... jerks

seriously- can someone else on here who uses facebook back me up?

The World's Smallest Car

April 14, 2008

Tetris...the movie?

So far, the conversion of videogames to film has not been a flattering process to the source material. Hope for anything more than mediocrity and you'll be very disappointed. I feel that one of the main reasons for this is poor choice of games to adapt. When you have plenty of fairly story rich games floating around, how is it that studios land on fighting games 75% of the time? But, Tetris? Seriously? That's like making Pong: The Movie. Initially I had trouble believing that this wasn't a joke, but I think it might be legitimate. Click on the link in the title and watch the trailer. They must be going for the campy vibe, right?

April 13, 2008

Simple Man

My new favorite old song...

Listen to the lyrics.

Some other notes of interest. Even though the lyrics tell of a mother giving advice to her "only son," author Ronnie Van Zant was one of 3 brothers.