March 4, 2007

holy crap

ummm... you guys remember Jennifer Elliot from highschool? she was in our class-

so this girl Jenn invites me to be her friend on myspace and i look at her profile- lives in Cali, doesnt look familiar at all- so i'm about to reject it when i see that she grew up in nashville-- so i shot her a message- "hey i see you grew up in nashville- am i supposed to know you?"
and she replies:

"Scott Scott Scott,

We graduated together... actually you and I have know each other since elementary school... we had band together in Jr High... Jennifer Elliott is the name! -

you don't remember me! We had tons of classes together throught the years... I don't remember the exact ones... I had Ms. Winfrey, Ms Giles, Ms Grisham, Ms Haas, Ms Smith, Ms Wagner, and Ms Ham in Elementary. I know we had Mr Starks together in Jr. High... but then we had some highschool classes together too.

I didn't look like that in highschool... I was about 100 pounds heavier... that may be throwing you. But I've always had dark brown hair"

ok- here's her picture- and they all look like this (and becuase i'm single i'm allowed to say this)- they are all really hot, in my humble opinion...

thats gotta be one of the bigger transformations i've seen in terms of someone i knew personally- wow