August 1, 2005

The Pappert Brief

Just thought I'd check in to let everyone know I didn't die. Life goes on pretty much as usual out here in Colorado. I have been pretty poor lately, due to recovering from moving (I had to buy a lot of furniture) and random large fees (like vet bills and taking the MCAT). If you aren't just skimming this half-assedly, you'll notice that in that last sentence I said that I was taking the MCAT. Yep I decided that I want to be a doctor (sorry Scoot). I, of course, decided this on the day before the end of registration for the last MCAT of the year (it's only offered twice), but at least I registered. This gave me a little over a month to study for this huge friggin test that people devote half a year of their lives to passing. So that's what I've been doing. Studying my ass off. If Myatt still frequents this site and has any pointers, I'd be glad to hear them. At this point, I am still very apprehensive and eagerly awaiting the test date so this can all be over. Work has been very busy and frustrating lately, but it is plague season so it is to be expected.

I am really sorry I missed Bryan and Oksana's wedding, but Nina and I were planning for a while to go away that week. Then we both realized that we were financially incapable of going anywhere, so our plans fell through. I really wish I could have been there. I am in a little bit better shape now, so I am hoping to come back for the Hunter/Jesse wedding. It is just a matter of scraping up $300, but I should be able to manage it. I would love to see all of you again, and hopefully most of you will be there for the weekend. I am going to attempt to call some people when I have time over the next month, so expect to hear from me. I need to get some work done, so I need to go. Hope to see you all soon.