June 1, 2006

Junesday dinner

Tomorrow night (Fri. june2), we are all invited to dinner at Alison (Grewing) Nash's house. Those who attended my glow-golf-ganza might recall mention of this. It's @7pm or after. Alison's making something with chicken and there will be dessert and appetizers of some sort. We'll either watch a movie or play a game--Alison just bought Drinkopoly so...could be festive. I didn't know Alison or Mike Nash very well in high school, but now i know they are both premium people and I think you'll agree! All Nashvillains please come and let a brother know if you plan to be there.
Contact josh or i for directions and/or more details. also, byob.

p.s. I'm home "sick" from work today and lucky for me!
I saw that TONIGHT THERE'S A "The Office" MARATHON with 4 episodes, starting @ 8pm cst. (you're welcome!)