May 17, 2005

Break-in and a new addition

What a weekend!

So, this past Thursday night, someone tried to get in my apartment when I was actually in it. By this, I mean that they tried to get me to open the door (presumably to force entry), and covered the peep hole, so I couldn't see who it was. The knocking had gone on for a while... six separate incidences over the last four weeks. Since typically, they knocked only once, chalked it up to drunken friends of neighbors, or other confused persons. However, the knocking continued Thursday night, and I called the police. They came, shined their flashlights in the bushes, gave me some helpful self-preservation hints, and left. Sigh... but not before pointing out that people always knock after my boyfriend leaves, insinuating that I am being watched and the person(s) waits until Jack leaves, thinking I would be more likely to open the door. Fat chance.

The cops suggested I get a gun. No way... I am not comfortable with a gun in my apartment, and they don't provide the protection people think they do, especially since they average moron with a gun has little to no training, or experience in defensive gun tactics. The average homebody with a gun is ten times more likely to hurt themselves or someone else they know with the gun than an intruder. Plus, there is the chance that someone will get in the house and find the gun before you can get to it, or take it from you. Then you've given them a gun to use on you. Wonderful idea. So, I bought a heavy-duty MagLite with a serrated edge... standard SWAT Houston police issue, and the thing weighs 6 pounds. If I hit someone with it, even a glancing blow, it'll break bones.

I also did the next best thing to a gun. I got a dog. She is a mix of Sheltland Sheepdog and Welsh Corgi (she has a Corgi grandparent, so she is 75% Sheltie), and we named her Roxy. She is just under 30 pounds, but barks like a German Shepherd, and has already developed loyalty, and therefore protectiveness, to me. She is recovering from a recent spaying, getting used to me, the apartment and the cat. While the Humane Society claims she was housetrained, I quickly found that that was complete shit. Literally.... she took a crap on my remote control this morning at 5:30am, immediately after I had taken her outside for over 30 minutes. She kept me up all night, chewed through her crate and chewed a hole in my screen porch door. So, I punished the skin off of her, got a METAL INDESTRUCTIBLE crate, and am altering her eating/drinking habits as well to aid in the housetraining. Jack is coming over tonight.... and he is taking over doggie duty for the night, since this morning I was so sleep-deprived and pissed off that I was threatening to give her back to the Humane Society. I would have too.... before I took her to the dog park and saw how cute she was. I guess she just needs time to adjust to everything, Meanwhile, I should be on tranquilizers to deal with her. The friends I have called to get advice from ARE NOT CALLING ME BACK, and I am quickly tiring of the dog's antics, no matter how cute she is.

Also, the dog business has taken me away from consistant LSAT study. I haven't looked at anything since Thursday afternoon. Crap. This afternoon, I am reviewing basic concepts to take another LSAT full-length tomorrow afternoon (post-dog walk and shower!). Hopefully I will get some sleep tonight!

NEWSFLASH!!! Archer Avenue (Jack's band) is the house band for Whitney's wedding next June. By then, there is a good chance they will be signed to a major label (they are part of a small indie label called "Bordertown Records" now), and possibly have a single out on radio rotation. She is thrilled at the prospect of having professional musicians play for her wedding (cheaply as a favor to me!), and the band is thrilled to have an excuse to come to Nashville and schedule more gigs downtown. They have never played Nashville, and would kill for the exposure here.

Check 'em out @