May 1, 2005

The "plan"

Ok, so here's the plan. The wedding plan.

When: Saturday, July 16, 2005 2 p.m EASTERN time. It took me and Oksana about 4.5 hours with one short stop to make it. I suggest leaving Nashville at around 7 or 7:30 (don't' forget you lose an hour going into eastern time). That gives you time to get caught in traffic, take a couple potty breaks, maybe change clothes when you get here. Those of you who have a propensity to tardiness.. be warned... the priest says 2pm is the latest we can start.

Lodging is available for reasonable cost to anyone willing to pay (we stayed at a La Quinta 3 mi away for $50. It was as nice as any hotel I've ever stayed in)

Where: Mary Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church in Conyers, GA (25 miles east of Atlanta.... I-20 East from Atlana to exit 82, turn left, 3 miles down on the left)

Who's invited: Anyone who wants to come

Important details: We already had a reception. That means we're not having another one. There are plans in the works for some sort of mingling with very light refreshments perhaps afterwards and/or a (pay-your-own-way) dinner. I know it sounds cheap, but I don't have money and my parents already paid for a big reception. Gifts? No, thanks. Unless you have special plans (J&J) or really have a hankering to spend money, we are NOT expecting gifts because, again, we already did that. I know we put the cart before the horse, but it is what it is.

Please be advised that this is a no obligation invitation. We will not be insulted by anyone's absence. That means if this will be a big imposition, don't worry about it. It is ok. There is no "party" to come to. There is no gift to buy. There is just a church wedding and maybe an unfunded informal gathering (if we do the very limited refreshments option, we can cover... but if we're talking dinner, no-can-do). The wedding will be mostly in ENGLISH with some Ukrainian. There will be a cantor (song-leader), so don't worry about learning Ukrainian over the next 10 weeks.

Please make sure you let me know if you are coming so that we can accomodate everyone. I'll post more details about any kind of gathering as soon as I get them.