April 29, 2005

I don't just comment

I figured I should actually do a post since I haven't in a long long time.

Exam mode engaged. Two down two to go. Without going into detail, they're pretty tough. I think I'm doing better this semester.

Good news everyone, I'm getting married. No, seriously. Oksana and I were deprived of our church wedding because of immigration. We finally decided to do our church wedding in Atlanta (Conyers, GA, actually) this summer. I'll let you know when we get a date nailed down.

I am torn right now by the possibility of getting a high paying job in NJ for the summer. The problem is Oksana can't come to NJ. I might make 1200-2000 per week working at my old firm. It would be nice too since I don't have a legal job lined up in Nashville. Except I have to be away from Oksana for so long. It sucks. I haven't been offered the job yet, so we'll see whether it is even possible. In the mean time, let me know if you think it is worth it. It'll probably be 10-12 weeks (which means I could make 10-24,000 just this summer). With that kind of money, I could afford to fly Oksana in every few weeks. Is it worth it? The alternative is working two jobs here (one temp job and Kroger).