April 5, 2005

Funtastic Weekend

Sorry, that title was a blatant lie. My weekend sucked. I was driving with Nina and 2 other friends to see the baby mentioned in my previous post on Friday night, when my car died at 60 mph. So I pulled over, called AAA, and proceeded to wait an hour in a semi-remote location for the tow truck. By the time I got towed, it was too late to see my friends and their baby. Luckily, my car was fixed the next day. Unluckily, it cost $380. I have a lot of money now, because they paid me for the next 2 months (government bureaucracy thing, don't ask). That also means I don't get paid again until early June, so I'd better not run out. Hooray!

Also my lease is almost up and my roommates all agreed that we want to stay and renew our lease for another year. So I talked to our landlady, and she said it was good. I told this to my roommates, and I guess 2 of them are moving out. I'm glad I asked them because I don't know when they were planning on telling me. So I have to move in early June, which means I have to start looking at apartments, and clean our house soon. Also I need to buy furniture since all I have is some dressers, a bed, and a TV. None of this is a very big deal when put in perspective, I just wanted to bitch a little.