April 21, 2005


Alright… its go time… and by go time I mean its time for me to write in this blog.

I gots NO CLASS tomorrow!! That is so amazing… sniff sniff… I’m getting kind of emotional over here…it really makes me happy in a kind of warm and tingly/squishy way…

hey Bryan, what kind of finals do you have? Is it kind of like papers, or long essay-type tests? Is law school just like it is in legally blonde? Do you show up in pink bunny costumes to parties? Do you OBJECT to these questions?

Hayley- what do you do at your job? I mean… I think I know WHERE you work, and what type of profit (non) the company is for, but what do you really do? I want to know like what a typical busy day is for you… do you think its something that you feel you can use your creativity with? Is the “Real World” as exciting and not exciting as it is fabled to be?

My good pharmacy friend Ryan Moss just got engaged last weekend. It’s a really great story how he did it and I plan on consulting him one day when I need to do some proposing because he certainly had a way with things… I mean… I think its great to have plans and stuff, and they did, but I think some element of surprise is a must for the big question… she didn’t even know he was in town, and had this big elaborate night planned out with roses, and a scavenger hunt, and a scrapbook he made… the hunt eventually led her to the church they are going to get married at and he was down front in a suit with the rock… I say kudos to that… I think Mandy got a little choked up when I told her the full story and she doesn’t normally get that way about that kind of thing…

HG, hows that face going, man? If you don’t mind me asking, what drugs are they giving you (and no I wont say or discuss anything about them online, I’m really just curious)? And did they say that the trauma to that nerve was due to an infection, or like physical trauma/pressure on that nerve? Just curious…

I got a call from the district manager of Kmart Pharmacies for middle and east Tennessee and he told me about an intern position that he would want me for this summer in Nashville and it sounds really exciting… I’ll actually have a regular work schedule (4 10-hour days a week) and he is taking care of the raise that I get for completing my first year… I’m actually a little scared because in the intern position they make you wear the white coat and dress shirt + tie every day to work and the white coat is just like a question magnet, I mean… people assume that since you have a white coat on you know the meaning of life… so far at the pharmacy here in Memphis I’ve got all kinds of crazy questions and most I can answer, but there are still so many where I have to just say “sorry but I’m just a student… let me get the pharmacist for you”… its just kind of scary to me because I like to kind of stay cool and under the radar so to speak… I guess I’ll have to get over that.

(for those of you who were asked questions, feel free to respond in a separate post instead of a comment… I don’t necessarily just want the 5-second cliff notes- but its up to you)