April 1, 2005

Too Old For This Shit...

Hey all. Thought I'd chime in with a quick update. This week was kind of weird because a couple of my friends out here had a baby (last night in fact). Very strange considering I am older than both of them. Just really weird. And another one of my good friends is married and has a kid on the way too. AAAAAAGH!!! When did we get so friggin' old? And yet I don't personally feel old, since I spent most of my week stabbing terrorists in the new Splinter Cell game. Lousy enemies of democracy.

I had a chance to see Sin City last night, which was really cool. If you can get into the whole stylized graphic novel-noir-turned-movie feel of it, then I highly recommend it. Word of warning, it is extremely graphic. You have countless limb severings, decapitations, gun-toting hookers, people getting shot, and many other gruesome things I'll leave as a surprise to those that see the film. Although, if you saw Passion of the Christ, it might not seem as graphic. If any of you happen to see it, let me know what you think. Everyone have a good weekend, and try not to have any kids.