April 6, 2005

Quick update


L.A. was great! It was wonderful to hang out with Jack, meet his producers/engineers for the record. Archer Avenue is set to record in late June, and I will fly back to L.A. for the weekend to see him and get a peek at the recording.

My wisdom teeth... specifically one tooth.... is KILLING me. Also, because of this, my ears are throbbing. Apparently, your ears adn wisdom teeth are on the same nerve. I've been chewing tylenol for days, and I have an appt. on Thursday for a cleaning/check up. Hopefully I can get a referral to an oral surgeon then, but I don't want my face to be all bruised. Eek.

Work is good... flowing well, and busy. I am planning on taking some time off in June, July and September for various vacations, and I will be in Nashville from July 1st-5th. We need to plan something over the weekend (lunch?) and I will have Jack with me... you all can meet him.

This weekend, I am going to see Sin City, re-watch Closer and lay around in the sun (it's 82 here today and beautiful!). Have good weekends!