April 18, 2005

Wisdom Teeth and Charity Auctions

I am totally cheating and adding this post to my own blog as well...

I survived the wisdom teeth experience, though it hurt like HELL. I think I have a relatively high pain tolerance (especially when given dozens of Vicodin!), so the pain wasn't as bad as everyone's horror stories predicted. I was a bit afraid of my face being swollen.... we all remember what happened to CBryan after his. I experienced no puffiness, but was on a very limited diet. That's right... DIET. Soup, yogurt and pudding. I had an M&M, but I had to let it melt on my tongue first, which was TORTURE! I hope I never have to do that again.... I would have killed a man in front of his own mother for real food.

Saturday night I attended a black-tie charity auction for Jack's high school. I was really nice to get dressed up, sip champagne and schmooze with other people. We were some of the youngest people there.... and there was an open bar, three-course dinner and a live auction that carried on throughout dinner. Sadly, I was outbid during the silent auction for a turquoise necklace. Damn.

Everyone got completely wasted, spent THOUSANDS of dollars on donated vacations, cars and sports packages.... one week in Aruba went for 40K. I am not kidding. Forty thousand dollars.

By the end of the evening these events had transpired:

1. I was told I looked like a "more curvy" Audrey Hepburn... I was wearing a replica of her black "Breakfast @ Tiffany's dress".
2. Jack's mother told me I "better be" her daughter-in-law.
3. I was given the sliding-hand-over-the-butt-in-passing by the Principal of Jack's school.
4. Jack's mother told me that Jack and I "better be quiet", since our hotel room was right next to theirs.
5. To this, Jack's father replied... "Barbara, we're going to be louder than them... Jack and Hayley will hear all KINDS of noises coming from our room!" Eeek.

I had a blast... was groped, flattered and mortified on more than one occasion.

I would say I had a great time... though the next day I felt like I had been hit by a truck. A really big one.

Johnna... I am going to see Wilco this coming weekend. Should be awesome!