April 6, 2005


---the following paragraph is about pharmacy. Read on only if you are interrested---

SO i've got this patient at Babtist Memorial this week... her initials are PH. This whole process of getting a patient and writing up a report of their (huge) chart for my class tomorrow has been alittle scary. PH has about every problem you could think of, and on top of that a pretty severe case of sepsis/septic shock (aka- she has a bacterial infection circulating through her blood... ). The doctors have written in her chart that her prognosis is not good but they are going to continue with agressive therapy. She has already both her legs removed right above the knees, and has lots of vascular problems due to her diabetes. I get to go talk to her tomorrow before i present her to my class of 3P-1s, 5 p-3s, 2 p-4s, and one PharmD. preceptor. They will ask me questions that pertain mostly to the MOAs, side effects, contraindications, and interactions with her meds which unfortunately happen to be very numerous....... no pressure... time for bed- wish me luck! if you are interrested, here is a link to my presentation notes for tomorrow- its in word format- web.utk.edu/~sburka/patient1

ALSO- I figured out how to rig up my IPOD to my car speaker system. I had before used the FM transmitter, but i found that hard to use and the quality not always 100%- plus there were volume issues and long drives dictated a need to alter the FM station to a less crouded one. When my CD player fell out the other day (but remained connected) i thought of a way to hook up my Ipod digitally with some audio cables- and that didnt work, but in trying the first idea i saw a second way which DID work at the expense of not being able to play any CDs.... so now i have every single piece of digital music i own (plus all my CDs are on my Ipod) at my fingertips when i get in my car and let me tell you- it has revolutionized the way i listen to music when driving. No more fumbling around for CDs... no more wishing i had made a CD of some of the newer songs on my computer to listen to in my car- its all there baby... i love technology.