May 17, 2005


Hello everyone. If you are reading this, then that means I have seen the latest Star Wars film and loved it. If you saw the previous 2 films in the prequel trilogy, then you may have some reservations about this one. In my opinion, Episode III is better than both the first 2 movies combined and then some. There are still a couple of cheesy moments/lines, but it is a Star Wars movie and there aren't that many. There are 4 or 5 major fights/lightsaber duels (depending on your definition of "major") and a nifty space battle as well. It is very dark and damn entertaining. I saw Unleashed last week, and really liked that too. Inventive, brutal fight scenes and a good story.
In unrelated news, Nina and I ended up getting a kitten this weekend. He's an orange tabby and he's 6 weeks old. We're thinking of naming him Fry (like from Futurama), but we're still undecided. Back to work.