April 9, 2006

(what it looks like right now)

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ok so i've had this facial hair for about 21 months or so... and i'm thinking its about time to cut it...
i need to take this to a vote- tell me what you think. I think it just makes me look kinda old... and i'm tired of looking old. But maybe that would help me seem more credible on my rotations, so i dunno... people definitly seem to listen to what i have to say a lot more now at the pharmacy than before... but i was at my fraternity's formal the other night (i might have some pictures for you later) and i noticed the facial hair was few and far between... maybe that was just a 2004 thing... i dunno... i just feel like i keep looking older, but then again, i guess thats how its supposed to go... something would be wrong if i started looking younger, right... ha...