February 6, 2007

Snickers Pulls Ad

Snickers Decides to Pull Their Superbowl Ad from Any Future Re-Airing

I have really mixed feelings about this. I thought the ad was hilarious. I didn't even consider this "angle." And frankly, part of me things it is stupid to say that this ad somehow marginalizes the gay and lesbian community.

But I see their complaint, and I don't think it is completely unfounded, but I think we have to draw the line somewhere.

I really try to be fair and considerate of other people's feelings and beliefs. My gut says people offended by this (be they homosexual or not) should just get over it. But if I really think it through, it is pushing the envelope. Essentially this commercial depicts gayness as.. well "gross and unmanly." And while I personally may agree with that depiction, I'm not really sure it is an appropriate ad. This bothers me becuase I think that we, as a society, get offended by so many things these days (except of course the white male stereotype... tons of commercials make fun of white men, but we have to overlook that... I'm sick of "stupid husband" commercials... Imagine if there were a "stupid wife" commercial... sorry different rant). When does it end? Are we going to completely sterilize everything that used to be funny?
