February 15, 2007

Top Television Shows of All Time

So I was thinking today how great television has become (in some ways... and awful in others). I am thoroughly convinced that the following three shows are the best three television shows of all time, in this order.

1. Lost
2. Arrested Development
3. 24

There have been plenty of greats (simpsons, family guy, south park, the office [although I don't watch that one], seinfeld, etc.), but none of them are as profound as those above in my humble opinion.

First, Lost seems to transcend television. It doesn't FEEL like a television show at all. It feels like a really well done movie. The picture is so vibrant, crisp, clean, etc. The music is phenomenal. The story is incredible. The best part is that it is essentially impossible to anticipate where the story will go. At a certain point, most of us get a "feel" for the cliches of modern storytelling. But Lost captivates me and really makes me wonder what will happen next. Add a fantastic cast to the mix and I think you have the best show... ever.

Second, Arrested Development. Many will think this is a stretch. I think that AD broke into a whole new realm of comedy. Unfortunately, this series was never rewarded in ratings, so it struggled and eventually was laid to rest. It was just too smart for the average American sense of humor I suppose.

Last, 24. If I remember correctly, none of you are 24 viewers. I didn't start until last summer. But I think 24 is to action what AD is to comedy. There is a certain "no holds barred" characteristic to it. Nothing is sacred. I don't want to give anything away, but lots of terrible stuff has happened in the show that most "hero stories" would never allow. It can be a tad predictable once you learn Jack's personality, but there are still plenty of twists to keep things moving and keep me interested.

Anybody agree, disagree, have any alternate suggestions? I admit that there are many shows that I have not seen at all and some I have not seen enough, but as far as I can tell, these are the top three.