May 1, 2006

truth or fiction?

0k so i was sitting here studying and/or watching TV for afew hours tonight and that combined with a recent (not too uplifting) event in my social life got me thinking some... of the couple shows i watched about people in their mid-late 20s-- every single character was in some state of a relationship-- some married, and the rest (majority) in some stage of a serious relationship... this was consistent between several shows without even 1 exception. not just the "bad" people, but the kind and good-hearted people with moral fiber/smarts/careers and whatnot.... everyone eventually succeeded-- nobody who tried, once or a couple times at this ended up a lone or feeling lonely or whatever... and that left me where i am now, after trying with a few of the rare single girls in pharmacy school--- is that how it is? i mean... of the 7-10 of us on here- who's single? Me and HG? do you find that your peers/friends follow about the same ratios or is that pretty accurate?

also i was going to ask-- i didnt get much of a response on my personal blog so i'll ask it here- whats the deal with dancing? how is it (asking you here girls) that guys who can are at such an advantage to those of us who think its kinda scary (ok i guess i answered my own question)

i dunno... i'm cool... i'm doing fine, i've just hit a slump--- and being slumpy is often a prime time for blogging so take this with a grain of salt-- ok- gonna study some more- holla!- Scott