September 30, 2005

Fisher & Phillips

So I had my first callback interview. It was exhausting. I left Nashville at 6 AM and got to Atlanta at about 11 am. My interviews started at 12, so I relaxed and reviewed my research on the firm and the people I was meeting with. At 12 I met a partner and an associate (older guy, younger girl who just got out of law school last spring). We ate at Ruth's Chris steak house. The food was very good and the conversation was nice. Then I proceeded to 6 more 30 minute interviews. Almost everyone went over in time, so I didn't get out until 5:20. Going over is a good thing though because it shows they are interested in you.

I have a good feeling about the firm. Their culture is very comfortable but hard working. The people are cool and it has a reputation for being very ethical. They rarely work weekends and are relaxed about comings and goings as long as you get your work done. I'd love to work there next summer becuase it will almost guarantee me an offer for a permanant job after law school.

I drove home and got back at about 8:30 central time. Long day, 14.5 hours, but well worth it.

I know it is tactless to brag about money, but these people pay very well. $1,700/WEEK over the summer and new associates start at $90,000. That is moderately low for Atlanta, but I believe it would be well worth the trade for working with people you like and not having to bill 2,200 hours per year. I think it's safe to say it is enough for me and when you throw Oksana's salary into the mix, we'll be comfortable. I am really hoping to pay off everything but our mortgage before we're 30. It's definately do-able, but children (none pending, but in a few years maybe) can easily rip through thousands of dollars.

Anyway, the meeting went well and I have three more to go. One in Nashville on Monday, one in Atlanta on the 13th, and one in Newark, NJ, on the 19-20th. If Fisher gives me an offer next week, I'll accept it. Then I'll have to do the other interviews knowing I probably won't work for them. My career advisor told me to accept only half a summer at Fisher and then tell them I was "probably" going to accept the other half, but I had to do some more callbacks. That way it's nice and ethical, becuase I still technically could work for the other firms.