September 19, 2005

LSAT: The Sequel - T-12 days

An update... I calls it "Hayley's Modern Life". I even have the annoying dog...

I had a WONDERFUL weekend, spent mostly with Jack and the random animals that comprise my dysfunctional urban family.

Friday night: Got anniversary flowers, went to birthday dinner with Jack's family @ "Taste of Texas" (interesting concept, better than average chow, but the place is run by a crazy uber-conservative righty nutjob... would not have gone if it wasn't paid for by someone else). Fell asleep on the couch, full and happy, watching "Signs" with Jack at around 11pm. We BOTH fell asleep.... but I got to fall asleep while he rubbed my feet. Ha! Got up around 1am, took dog out and went to bed.

Saturday: Got up @ 8am, had coffee and studied by myself until noon, ran birthday/anniversary errands for Jack, GOT MY AWESOME ANNIVERSARY PRESENT, went to Strake casino night and had a few drinks... came back to my place, watched "Tremors" and went to bed by 1am.

Sunday: Got up, went to work @ G**** until noon, met Jack for birthday lunch, scored some REALLY cheap used DVDs @ Movie Exchange with Jack ("Cocktails", "Creepshow" and "Moonstruck" for less than 20 bucks!!) went shopping to spend his birthday gift certificates (Target, Sound Exchange), went grocery shopping.... relaxed for an hour or so, then packed up the pooch and gear for overnight @ Jack's where Chris, Jack and I (along with Roxy dog) watched "Creepshow" and I was (forced more or less to) watch "Firefly" the pilot show, which was admittedly, pretty good.... and funny. I'll have to see the movie now. I fell asleep around 1am (see the pattern), exhausted, but happy with my weekend.

**If you didn't catch "Firefly" the first time around on Fox, check it out (Netflix?) before the movie ("Serenity") debuts next Friday.... or is it this Friday. Anyway, it's a funny sci-fi space pirate sort of thing. I know... I thought it would be crap as well.... but is surprisingly well written and clever. Plus, the captain reminds me vaguely of HG in manner.

This week and next week, I have taken reception duty @ Fulbright. This means that in addition to my hour lunch for study time, I now have another hour each day to review! So, I don't have to review as much at the end of the day when I am exhausted from work (or both jobs, as it may be). This week, and next week... I only have to find about 6 extra hours for two practice tests per week. Then finito on October 1st... I will be forever finished with the LSAT!!

I can NOT freakin' wait. Party @ my place on October 1... you are all invited.

***I saw the Family Guy movie... excellent, per usual. Also, if you get a chance, check out "Born Into Brothels", a documentary on children of prostitues in Indo-China. Was very good, but very serious... and it won an Oscar last year for best documentary film making.