November 16, 2005

3 out of 3?

so i'm going to this church thing tonight with three of my classmates here in pharmacy school... and we are talking about stuff and i tell them a story about last christmas and gift giving and stuff and i mentioned something about mandy had gotten my present kinda early (i dont remember exactly when) but maybe it was like late january or the first of december... and i made a comment to the effect of "well she was validictorian and i think those people tend to be really organized and get things done earlier than the slackers such as myself" (or something to that effect, i meant it in a good way)- and one of them said... well (chuckle) i dont think ALL validictorians are like that, and then one of the other of the three of them said something else to that effect, and the third one also chuckled to themselves and said they agreed... and i was like... "wait a second.....was one of you also validictorian of their respective highschool?".... and they all laughed and nodded and then looked at eachother and realized that in fact all three of them from their respective highschools had been #1 in their class..... and i was like "what the crap?" and we had a funny moment... i said something to the effect of "i dont think i can TALK to you guys any more... sheesh"... you should have been there...