November 22, 2005


yellow... well... i'll be gone for afew days (starting tomorrow) so i figured i'd leave with a scott update... -- took a big test on monday, and i dont even want to talk about it... one of the worsts tests i've had in awhile... i wont go into that..
had a big party at the house last night... probably 40ish people there. it guess it was more like a "get together" than a party... i put together a card game on the second floor- there were 9 of us up there... everyone else was screaming bloody murder downstairs playing cranium... when asked if i wanted to play i had to say "sorry... i'm kinda burnt out on this one from highschool.."
(with the one big difference here being that several people were lobbying for me to be on their teams instead of lobbying for me NOT to be on their team (BRYAN and HG!)) but we all had a good time and i got to bed by 2ish... I'm gonna be "house manager" next year and i'm trying to find two people to come and fill the two spots that will be left at the end of the school year... i've already got one guy (one of the three validictorians) ((speaking of that... since that weired thing happened to me in the car, i've discovered that two of my other friends were also validictorians... what the crap??... )) for next year and he is really nice... looking for #2 now... i figure i could always open it up for people to apply to get im but i'd rather hand-pick my roommates!

Kirk, a pharmacist and recent grad approaced me last night and gave me this special fraternity pin and says he gives a couple away every year, one to the president, and one to another person who he thinks has gone above and beyond their duties as a member of the fraternity. so i thought that was cool... he also said something to the effect of he knew he always gave me a hard time last year but he really appreciated what i was doing and thoight i was a nice/respectable guy... so that was cool of him.- he was house manager last year. i've talked to him some and he says its really fun working as a pharmacist, he said that the school here definitly overprepared him and he feels almost bored sometimes, but then again he is a genious... so i think alot of things are easy for him... he says he is very satisfied with his pay:work ratio now that he is a pharmacist and said its a good feeling to finally get out and do what he had studied 8 years to do... and the getting paid part he said was a large plus, for lack of a better phrase... speaking of getting paid... its time for me to go to class for afew hours- if my calculations are correct... 0.00 dollars per hour for the next two hours SHOULD rake me in some pretty nice cash... thats pretty schweet... can i get that in twentys?