November 13, 2005



this is a video of the "blue devils" from concord, CA doing a brass warmup before quarterfinals in parking lot outside the Patriots' new stadium in foxboro, MA- you DONT have to watch this... this is only for those who have 2.5 minutes and are interrested... my only request- if you watch it- feel free to skip the first 50 seconds if you must, but the last minute and a half are what i'm trying to show you- and also- you've gotta have it turned up to appreciate it (despite the horrible recording)

this is DCI... and for those of you out of the know... i played one of the really big instruments there in the middle (it was heavy...)... this is not my group, but a group that placed 4th by 0.8 points (on a 100 point scale) to my group who placed 5th... so same idea--- watch the conductor in the middle when he points around the arc and how the sound changes--- i guess for those of you who have never played a wind instrument, this might seem odd to you, or might not mean anything- but please believe me that this is very impressive to those of us who have played at one time-- getting 68 brass players to play precisely in tune with the same accents, slurs, articulations, and rythms, with that immense kind of power that they generate- sounds like a synthesizer on first listen...