November 14, 2005

Unicorns, sunshine, and rainbows

Sorry about the title. I was going for soothing and positive, but ended up more on the gay side. Just thought I'd check in during this latest flurry of activity with a brief update. I received my MCAT scores last month and was...disappointed to say the least. Honestly, it depressed the crap out of me. As my GPA was acceptable, but not outstanding, I was counting on my MCAT scores to make me feel more confident about my possible admission to CU Denver. This turned out to not be the case. So, unless they are captivated by my essay, or impressed by the fact that I work for the CDC, I may very well find myself sitting on my ass for another year trying to figure out what to do with my life. I'll likely try the MCAT again in April in hopes of starting the following year, but who knows how this will all work out in the end. I really loathe the thought of not progressing at all for another year.
One thing that does make me happy is the impending release of the Xbox 360. I pre-ordered mine in mid-May, so I will receive it on the launch day. I think I am one of the few of us who still play many games with regularity, so many of you will likely be unaware/unconcerned with this event.
Bryan: I hope all goes well with your discounted 360 plan. Would you mind if I resurrected FR-DOT-BRYAN on Perfect Dark Zero for old time's sake?
What were everyone else's names on that game? I think mine was She-beast, a horrible she-male chimera of sorts.
If anyone has a Playstation 2, you should check out Shadow of the Colossus and Resident Evil 4. Both are superb games, and well worth your time. Crap, time to leave. Hope everyone is well. Later.