October 26, 2005

i heart A D

have you guys seen arrested development?! josh introduced me this past summer and i have fallen in love... my biggest question was... "how on earth did i somehow miss the best (and i mean best) show currently on television??" this show is comedic gold... and it seems like everyone who gives it a chance feels the same way... I bought the DVDs this past week (seasons 1 and 2) and i cant wait for them to get here...i was just taking a study break and i was thinking, "i wonder how other people feel about this show?" so i googled reviews for the show... the first review was from a TV and film critic website... the site allowed for users to post reviews as well... the show itself had 33 reviews. Each reviewer was asked to give it a 1-10 score and tell something about it... every single person gave it a 10/10... no joke... here are some of the excerpts:

" i can't believe a show this great isn't more appreciated"

"this is an amazing show, not only does it make me laugh out loud, i am always amazed by the attention to detail and the pure genius of the scriptwriters and skill of the actors."

" Best comedy of all time"

"the funniest show and the best show on television, never before has a show caused my to have such laughing fits over just thinking of a line from a previous show"

" This is the best show I have ever seen"

" best show on tv"

" The best show on television!"

"...amazing writing, perfect direction, and the best cast and acting on all of T.V. It is a crimev(but makes sense) that this show isn't more popular."

i went over to amazon to check out some of their reviews... certainly there must have been some kind of mistake... people cant really think the show is THAT good, right?
There were 267 reviews given on a 1-5 star rating... how many total reviewers gave it less than 5 stars? 15.